OFTEC Inspection Services
What is OFTEC?
OFTEC is the industry association that governs the inspection and certification of fuel pipework, storage and pumping systems. Every site that stores diesel needs an annual OFTEC inspection. Optimise Power's fuel team regularly services generator diesel tanks which are connected to buildings through their pipework infrastructure. The engineers are in an ideal position to advise customers on problems their appliances might have with building and fire regulations.
Why do I need these Checks?
These checks are vital to make sure you are up to date with the OFTEC regulations. Our inspection services prevent accidents and grant protection against litigation if an accident does occur. Optimise Power can reduce the disruption, administration and cost of inspections by merging them with the regular fuel conditioning work we do on many sites.
What if you’re not up to standard?
Optimise Power solve the problems we identify. Remedial work is always varied. It can include better warning signs, new barriers or documenting working procedures. We recertify the site once we have completed the remedial actions identified by earlier inspections.
Why Optimise Power?
OFTEC inspections are just one part of Optimise Power’s total fuel management offering. From sampling and analysing fuel with our Diesel Check Service, cleaning fuel, keeping it in spec with our Diesel Defence Fuel Polishing Units, right through to installations and tank decommissioning, Optimise Power do it all.